Crypto Platform | Crypto You'd Receive |
Robinhood | 0.002541 ETH — |
Coinbase | 0.002280 ETH -10.27% |
Kraken | 0.002333 ETH -8.19% |
Coinbase Advanced | 0.002526 ETH -0.59% | | 0.002530 ETH -0.43% |
Cash App | Not listed |
*The statements above are based on research that was conducted and verified by an independent third party based on quotes for the respective cryptocurrency on the trading platforms shown on 12/3/24. Past amount of cryptocurrency shown in such quotes is not a guarantee of future results. The amount of cryptocurrency quoted may fluctuate based on market conditions and volatility and the actual amount received may at all times be more or less than the amounts shown.
Not all coins are available in every state and may be subject to regulatory approval in certain states.
Availability may be subject to regulatory approval in certain states. Network fees still apply.
Once you purchase crypto on Robinhood, Robinhood believes you're the legal owner of the crypto. You have all the rights and benefits of ownership, including the rights to appreciation and depreciation of the crypto.
We hold the majority of your coins in cold storage, entirely disconnected from the internet. This gives you an additional layer of protection.
We also carry crime insurance that protects a portion of the assets held across our storage systems against losses from theft, including cybersecurity breaches. The policy is underwritten by Lloyd’s syndicates, the world’s leading insurance marketplace.
Our Security Team routinely reviews code and infrastructure powering Robinhood Crypto. We also engage third-party security experts to test our systems, helping us build some of the most secure systems in the industry. If you’d like to learn more about how you can protect your account, including your cryptocurrencies, check out our Help Center article on security best practices.
Robinhood Crypto, LLC is licensed to engage in virtual currency business activity by the New York State Department of Financial Services. Robinhood Crypto is also registered with FinCEN as a money services business. As such, Robinhood Crypto is subject to and complies with the applicable requirements of the Bank Secrecy Act, and complies with the applicable money transmitter laws of U.S. states.
To sign up for a Robinhood Crypto account, you must:
Crypto offered through Robinhood Crypto, LLC. Other fees may apply. See our RHC Fee Schedule for more details.
Crypto offered through Robinhood Crypto, LLC. Other fees may apply. See our RHC Fee Schedule for more details.